Monday, October 12, 2009

Case of the Blues and Dress Help!

I was totally going to make a huge "T-minus One Year" post on Saturday but I was feeling a little blue and lazy. I am a graduate student in a program which forces requires me to spend a year in Santa Barbara. Unfortunately, this means Mr. Nee is down in San Diego. I have done LDRs before and dealt with all the obstacles that come with it but this does not mean I don't get lonely and miss Mr. Nee. Mr. Nee was suppose to come up this past weekend but couldn't because he was sick. On Saturday, I was missing Mr. Nee, lonely (the roommate was gone), and just feeling really unmotivated to do anything. I take that back, I was motivated to spend the whole day watching Law and Order SVU and eating pumpkin pie. I'm also without my car which means I couldn't really go anywhere or do anything without having someone come get me or having to make a very calculated trip via the bus, which is not 100% reliable. In short, I was feeling depressed on Saturday and did not feel like writing about how our wedding is one year away when I'm missing him so much.

I am working with a designer from Etsy to create my wedding dress. I have to decide on what color I want the trim for the tuxedo ruffle, if I want the trim to be on the cummerbund and if I want the bolero lined in a color. I really love autumnal colors but I am not sure if I want a completely "falled" out wedding dress. So I am asking you all for advice of these colors which one do you like the best for these little details. Here are some pictures of the dress, the proposed colors, and pictures of me as a reference. Be honest!

So what do you guys think? Or should I stick with more neutral colors like brown or nude or even a peachy orange?

(Oh and that is a picture of me with Mr. Nee. I think he looks like Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords which means he is hawt like a curry)


  1. First, the dress is beautiful, I love it! I say add one extra color, which ever is your favorite, personally, I like aubergine. Won't look to "fallish," but won't be plain either.

  2. The dress is beautiful. I agree with the person above, go for the aubergine.

  3. i love the dress and i think the orange, it flatters your hair and complexion
